I hope everyone had a lovely holiday! I know that at least here, even if one doesn't celebrate Christmas, the day off from work in the middle of the week is much appreciated. Some people even get today (Boxing Day in Canada and the United Kingdom), though I know not everyone does.
I had a lovely, full day of family activities yesterday. I opened the majority of my presents at my parents' house. Then I prepped devilled eggs to take to my cousins' as part of my contribution to the meal, and had some time to relax before we headed over there. We skyped with my brother & sister in law, which was a lot of fun. Their little girl is getting so big! And very, very, cute. Her Mom was able to get her to laugh for us. She was also very drool-y. I told my brother that could well mean she's going to cut a tooth soon, but he doesn't believe me, because at 3 1/2 months old, he insists she's too young. I've definitely known babies who cut their first tooth at 4 months, so we shall see who is right there. Come on baby E; don't make a liar out of Auntie Tang! LOL.
Dinner was awesome. My cousins from Kelowna visited this year. Their daughter is growing SO fast. She's 3 now, and she's very verbal. It's so neat to be able to have actual conversations with her. And she loves to sing! When they arrived she was singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas. We also go to hear Rudolph, Jingle Bells and Frosty, though she had a bit of trouble with that one. Of course, it's not a family gathering for us without a round of Dominoes. I thought I might actually win for once, but my mom was getting tired, so she had my cousin R. take over for her. Well, R won at least 4 rounds in a row, maybe 5, and came back to pass me. As much as I hate losing, it was fun.
Normally I would have gone shopping today, but I didn't. I had already received the two ornaments I collect, as well as Purdy's chocolate, so I had nothing I really HAD to have. The friend I've gone with for the past MANY years had said she wasn't sure she was feeling it this year either, so we mutually agreed to skip our traditional morning power shop. In the end I missed it. I just felt weird and at loose ends.
I'm certainly not upset with anyone but myself. It was pure laziness on my part. I didn't want to drive out there for 8:00 a.m., be done at 10:00, drive home, then have to drive back out to my parents' for the Annual Open House my mom has for extended family, but I also didn't really want to go to my Mom and Dad's so early. For those wondering why I wouldn't just go shopping at noon... No. Just no. If you try to arrive at the mall I'm thinking of at noon on Boxing Day, you will spend one hour of your shopping time driving around attempting to find a place to park. It is INSANE in there in the afternoon. You have to go first thing in the morning and be done by 11:30 at the latest. From about noon to 3pm the chaos is as close as we get to rivaling Black Friday. Trust me; I have 20 years experience in the art & science of Boxing Day shopping in my town.
Well that was more chatty than I had intended to be. Since I didn't post yesterday, I have two cards for you. Neither of these were made this year, but both are long gone from my stash. This first one was made and sent a long time ago - probably 2011. It should have been blogged as part of either this post or, more likely, this one. Either way, I'm sure it was made and given out for Christmas 2010. I recognize it as being part of a batch I did for church using up some non-A2 envelopes I had. I'm no sure why I didn't post it at the time. I still love this set; I use it all the time. It's so much fun to colour.
I made this snowman card last year at a Stamp a Stack. I used it this year. I have this set as well, so I'll be able to make variations of it again in the future. Next time instead of using the same snowman twice, I'll likely use the skinnier one with the top hat on the right.
Card Details:
Christmas Rose
Cardstock: Real Red, Always Artichoke, Whisper White
Stamps: Christmas Cardinal
Ink: Stazon Black
DSP: Basic Grey
Merry Christmas
Cardstock: Whisper White, Bashful Blue, Old Olive
Stamps: Snow Much Fun, Sassy Salutations
Ink: Basic Black
Other: Silver Glimmer Paper, Markers
Ah, I did go shopping today...guess I couldn't pass up the coupons...LOL!! I love your cards - even if they are from years past...my favorite is the snowmen though - very cute!
I like both your cards. Great coloring on the Rose one. I like the snowman card best tho. Thanks for sharing your cards from years gone by.
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