Anyway. At first, given that I was in a bit of a 'dark' mood - my typical January winter blahs - I was ok with that. I had a great prof in my child and youth care degree who taught us that sometimes you just have to wallow. Feel what you feel and don't fight it. So I did. And now I'm over it and I'm tired of wallowing. So it's time for some light in this place of mine to reflect that.
Anyway.... with the crappy light situation in my apartment, and the fact that I've not been going out much lately, at least to places where I feel comfortable bringing a camera (I don't take it with me when I volunteer, due to confidentiality concerns, and I don't take it to church often because it's, well.... church) I haven't been taking a picture a day. I'll defiintely still end up with at least the equivalent of that by the end of the year, though.
As I've pondered this project, I also realized that I am not one to take 'random' photos. Pictures, for me, are meant to have a purpose. There has to be a point to it, or why bother? I don't make my scrapbooks for therapeutic purposes. They aren't diaries or journals for me. More power to those who can use them in such a way - I just can't, because I want future generations to look at them, and I have no desire to have my future nieces and nephews and cousins and such reading that sort of thing.
I may scrap some of these winter pictures I've taken, however.... for all the things that are difficult for me about winter - the cold, the greyness, the the rain (oh, how I loathe rain... give me snow any day... at least it's pretty) - I do see beauty in the way the trees look with all the leaves gone. I'm not sure why; I think it is is that I have always been attracted to lines. I love to doodle triangles and squares and such.
This first shot are taken up at Parksville Beach. I was too cold and lazy to get out of the car, so I just opened up the window. I didn't use a flash and I am thinking these are a tad too dark.
These were taken at a local school I visited a week ago.
I'm friends with one of the vice principals at the school I visited. Wasn't expecting to run into her while I was there, but she happened to have a free moment just as I was about to leave, so we had a quick visit and I snapped these next two pictures. I wish I had thought to move the apples to another table, so as to have the shot uncluttered. It was worse before I cropped, and it's still not great:
I love these rocks she just recently got.
A very cool poster on the door to the room my meeting was in. I couldn't get far enough away to get everything in but I got the gist of it.
Although I don't often take my camera to church, I happpened to have it with me on the 30th. I was in charge in the nursery while the adults were at a 'Take It Home' Event. It was a chance for parents to learn more about different church programs and such, and talk about the connection between what we do in our children's programming and parents' teaching their children at home.
I just cropped out my friend's daughter. The tower the kids built was a good 4 inches taller than the children themselves. It was wobbly, to say the least. Once we got a photo so they could show their parents what they'd built, I had to take it apart for them before it collapsed and bopped someone on the head. Was so much fun to watch them building, though.
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